Sunday, I woke up shivering, lightheaded, nauseous, had body aches and a headache. So, I thought, "great, I'm getting the flu." All day I ate crackers, chicken noodle soup and drank Ale-8 to settle my stomach and went between my bed, the couch, and the dog bed, yep, the dog bed which Rocky loved. Some of my friends will tell you we have the most comfortable dog bed and it is huge! Earlier in the day I had checked my temperature and it was 100.8 so I called Sharlee, told her my symptoms and asked if my symptoms were something I should be worried about because I am 3 weeks post op. She was a little concerned so she paged Dr. Stalnecker to have him call me back. He called me back within about 15 min and as with Sharlee I told him what had been going on. He didn't seem too concerned since I was going to see him Monday afternoon so he sent in a prescription and told me to start it immediately and to take Tylenol for my fever. Ryan went to pick up the prescription and in that short amount of time I began to feel worse and began shivering uncontrollably. I went to bed and Ryan covered me with every blanket in the house. After about an hour of shivering when I was wearing sweatpants, a sweatshirt, socks and was covered by every blanket we had, Ryan checked my temp again and it had gone up to 101.8. UGH! I had taken my antibiotic and the Tylenol, of course I know it doesn't work immediately but my temperature should not be going up. So, I called Sharlee again. I told her what was going on and asked her if I was just overreacting and she said, "No, get to the ER!" Reluctantly we got up and I grabbed my trash can for the ride since I was so nauseous and off we went to Community North ER. Luckily it was Sunday because when we got there, there was hardly anyone else there. This was great because I don't know what I would have done if I would have had to wait because I have never felt so miserable in my life. After Ryan filled out my paperwork because I was shivering so much I couldn't do it, they took my vitals and my blood pressure was sky high and I had a temperature of 104.4! I know, 104.4, I couldn't believe it either. I don't think I have ever had a temperature above 102. They immediately put me in a wheelchair and wheeled me back to my room. They couldn't get the IV started fast enough. They started some fluids because I was really dehydrated since I couldn't keep anything down and they also gave me some pain meds because I was having so much pain in the right side of my chest and thank the Lord I received some Zofran (anti-nausea medication). Within about 30 min I was beginning to feel better as far as the pain and nausea went however, I was still shivering. The ER doc ordered an x-ray and an ultrasound of the right side of my chest because they were concerned about an infection in my right expander. After being there an hour, before going to any of my tests, the nurse came back in to check my vitals. Once again my temperature had gone up. Yes, I said UP! My temperature had gone up to 105.2!! There had to be something wrong. Why was my temperature going up? She gave me some Tylenol and we continued to wait. At about 3:00 am my temp had finally come down to 101.7, my pain was under control, I wasn't nauseous, I still had a headache but they felt comfortable sending me home but told me I had to follow up with Dr. Stalnecker at 9:00 am. So, home we went to get a few hours of sleep before heading back to the dr.
I got up and, ugh, I felt awful again! I didn't have a fever but the pain and nausea was back. We went to see Dr. Stalnecker and the 5 min I was waiting was the longest 5 min of my life. It is so hard to wait when you feel MISERABLE and when you have no idea what is going on. They finally called me back, I hopped on the table and the exam began. It didn't take long to determine, there was an infection in my right breast. When the word infection came out I wondered, "Did I hear that right? Infection? How could I have an infection 3 weeks post op?" I took all of my antibiotics after surgery and I'd kept it clean and dry. Dr. Stalnecker told me that when there is an infection usually it appears 2 to 3 weeks post op. I asked if I could just take a round of strong antibiotics and if that would clear it up and he told me no, looks like I would be having surgery to remove my right expander that afternoon. Apparently when the ER doc had called him the night before, he had already been thinking I had an infection and had already booked an OR for 1:00 pm. I asked him what happens as far as reconstruction when an expander is removed? He said that as long as I don't need radiation we can replace it and start the reconstruction process over again once chemo is completed. Once chemo is completed? You mean, I can't get a new expander until next Spring? Well, the answer is yes, that is correct. He explained that if I have radiation, the muscle hardens and cannot stretch again so we would have to go another route as far as reconstruction goes. I'm crossing my fingers and praying for NO RADIATION!!! So, he sent me on my way and told me to return to the Surgery Center at 11:45 and he would see me in the OR at 1:00 and surgery would last approximately 45 min to an hour. I couldn't believe it. Everything had gone so smoothly until this point and now here I am going to surgery again. Once I got to the Surgery Center, I waited a short bit and I guess I looked so bad that they put me in a separate waiting room for privacy which I thought was really nice because if I was going to lose it in the trash can, I would rather not do that in front of the entire waiting room. They finally took me back and it was time to start my IV because boy did I need that Zofran! I only have one arm to work with, my left, because of the lymph nodes being removed in my right. I normally have really good veins but I know I was a little dehydrated. The nurse went for my wrist, in went the needle and...it blew. She looked around my arm and hand a little bit and was very nice to say she would let someone else take a look because she didn't want to stick me a bunch of times. Another nurse came in and looked around and thought she would be able to get the IV in my arm. So, in went the needle and she said "I got it! Oh no wait, I don't have it. Hold on." Then she proceeded to dig around in my arm which left me screaming. Needless to say, still no IV. They finally had the Anesthesiologist come in and he numbed me up a bit and got the IV started. Thank goodness because I don't think I could take much more. They went ahead and put me on a cart to wait for surgery since I was in so much pain, that way I wouldn't have to move too much. They had given me some pain and anti-nausea meds as soon as they started the IV and 45 min later I still felt awful. I told Ryan that if the meds didn't kick in soon he would have to let the nurse know so she could do something else. Then, I felt wet. No, I didn't wet the bed, I felt my arm wet. Ryan pulled back the covers and sure enough, the IV had infiltrated. My arm was swollen, the IV was out and the bed was wet. He went and got the nurse and in came the Anesthesiologist. He numbed me up again and got the IV restarted. About 10 min later I was in surgery. I have never been so ready for surgery because I felt so bad and they told me I would feel 100% better after surgery. Sure enough, I woke up in recovery and they were right, I felt 100 % better. Then they wheeled me up to my room for the night where Ryan met me. I will say that I did feel better but as far as surgery goes when it comes to pain, this surgery was so much worse than the 1st surgery. I have had so much more pain and soreness but at least I feel better than I did Sunday and Monday. Tuesday morning we headed home.
Rest of the week...
Tuesday and Wednesday were pretty rough because I was SO SO sore and just couldn't catch up on my pain. My family also arrived Wednesday for the Thanksgiving Day holiday! It was so nice having everyone here this year. I NEVER thought everyone would come to Fishers, IN for a holiday. I had wanted to go home so bad but Ryan and I had already talked about it and decided it probably wasn't the best idea and then Monday happened so it actually worked out that everyone had already decided to come here. One thing I would like to mention about Thanksgiving is the AMAZING people Ryan works with. I know I have talked about how AWESOME they are before but they really outdid themselves this time. See, every year we have each holiday meal at my grandparents house. This year everyone was going to be here and there it was too hard to fix food in KY and bring it here and well, my kitchen just isn't big enough to do everything here. So, my grandmother decided that to make it easy we would just cater it in. We had already settled on Cracker Barrel. Now I don't know if Ryan's coworkers heard him asking someone about where they get theirs catered or if they just asked him what we planned on doing but regardless, according to them, we were NOT having it catered. Ryan explained to them that this is what we wanted to do and we were already planning it and we didn't want anyone to go out of their way on their own Thanksgiving. Well, it wasn't an option. His boss' wife made breakfast as well as a side dish and his mother made our turkey and one of his other coworkers made 2 other side dishes and brought them over. Ryan tried to explain that we weren't catering it in because we weren't capable of cooking dinner ourselves, we were just doing it to make things easier. They explained that they understood that but still wanted to do this for us. It was one of the nicest things anyone has ever done. We cannot thank them enough! Ryan is so blessed to work with such wonderful people! Thanksgiving turned was wonderful and it was great having everyone in our house. Even though I couldn't do much since I had just had surgery the beginning of the week, it was still just so nice!! Thanksgiving could not have gone any better :)
Now that Thanksgiving is over, Monday I have a follow up appointment with Dr. Stalnecker, I have my chemo teach session since I am supposed to begin chemo on Friday and I see the Radiation Oncologist to find out if I will have radiation. Everyone cross your fingers and pray for NO RADIATION!! Ryan had run into Dr. Bhatia when I was in the hospital on Tuesday and he told Ryan I could go ahead and come in on Friday but more than likely chemo will be pushed back a week due to the infection. Also, I have decided to go ahead and get a port because I do not want to go through what I went through on Monday with the IV each time so we have to get that surgery scheduled and that may not be possible until next week. So, I have a feeling chemo will be Friday December 13. I know, Friday the 13th, I must be crazy but who knows, maybe it will be a good day :) Continuing the FIGHT!!