Reflecting back, I can't believe how far I've come as well as how fast things have happened. Friday, March 28th I reach the end of chemo!!! I am so excited to be done I can't stand it!! It is crazy that it has been 6 months since my diagnosis, 5 months since surgery and 3 months since I began chemo. SO MUCH has happened in such a short time. When I learned that I would have chemo, the first thing I did was rush out to find a wig because I knew for sure I didn't want anyone to know I was bald. I bought a wig that looked like the hairstyle I had which was long, layered and highlighted. Then, I cut my hair and not long after that I shaved my head. Since being bald, I can say I have only worn my wig a handful of times. I was so worried about it and yet, once all my hair was gone I didn't really care. When it has been cold outside I have worn a warm toboggan on my head and now that it has gotten warmer, well, I won't get carried away, not really warm but not brutally cold, I have been wearing scarves and Chemo Beanies which are so much more comfortable on my head. Since surgery, my range of motion has returned however, it is still difficult to pick up anything the slightest bit heavy and not feel it in my chest right away or the day after. That will come with time though. I will probably start feeling back to normal when it is time for my next surgery then I'll be starting all over. Oh well, that's the way it goes :) Also, since beginning chemo I have blown up I feel, like an Oompa Loompa lol!! Something they don't tell you is, with all the steroids, no matter how hard you try to be healthy, you are going to gain weight. I couldn't go to the gym because of risks of the germs and getting sick but I tried to stay active, however, those steroids slowed my metabolism tremendously. I guess I'll just have to work harder at the gym. Anyway, within 6 months, I received my diagnosis, had 3 surgeries and have had, by Friday, six 5hr cycles of chemo. I will be so glad when I don't have to sit in that chair for half the day every 3rd Friday!! After my last chemo treatment, I will see the Radiation Oncologist April 7 to talk about when I will start radiation. I will at least get a 4-5 week break before it starts. So, I am almost to the finish line as far as chemo is concerned!!! I have just one more step before I am done with treatment then I have 2 more surgeries but at least treatment will be over :)
Look Good Feel Better...
Monday evening I went to the LGFB program that is put on by the American Cancer Society. It is a program for women that are receiving cancer treatment whether it be chemo, radiation or both. When I arrived, there were only 2 of us in the class which isn't typical they said. The other girl there looked fairly young, like me. We began the class by watching a video about the program then we got to open our little bag of goodies they gave us which contained makeup. LGFB is free of charge and is a workshop to teach beauty techniques to female cancer patients to help combat the appearance-related side effects of cancer treatment. When opening the bag I was surprised to find all types of makeup, makeup brushes, moisturizing cream and nail polish. All of these things are donated to ACS by the company that makes them for the purpose of this workshop. We had so much fun learning how to fill in our eyebrows and making it look like we had more eyelashes than we actually do! We also learned new ways to tie a scarf and we tried on some wigs just for fun. When the class was almost over, the other girl in the class and I began to share our stories. I found out that she is 33 years old and also has breast cancer which ran in her family. She began doing chemo first and has not yet had surgery. She also found her lump on accident and was diagnosed 1 month after I was. Our stories were very similar however, she had so many questions about surgery since she has yet to decide what surgery to do and I was so happy to share my experience with her and I hope it will help her to decide what is best for her. It was also really nice talking to someone close to my age and going through the same thing. It was nice and sad at the same time. Sad because we are too young to be going through this and it seems like there are more and more young women being diagnosed with breast cancer every day. So, with that being said, CHECK THOSE TA-TAs!!!!