Since my last update, 7 months ago, I've had my new expander filled about 5 times, my hair has continued to grow (YAY), still struggling to lose all of the weight those dang steroids made me gain, I started the preventative cancer treatment of Tamoxifen and I have begun seeing my Oncologist every 3 months for checkups. This means I walk in, put on that fabulous half gown that opens in the front and I get felt up then I'm sent on my way. Within this time though, a lot has happened as far as meds and that talk of "can I have kids" goes. So, here it is, all laid out on the table. To start kind of at the beginning, every female, including me starts out wanting to have kids one day but you always think you have all the time in the world because you want to be sure you are ready. Of course, we all know it isn't always rainbows and butterflies and doesn't always work that way. Ryan and I have been married for almost 7 years and before I was diagnosed hadn't really talked about when we were going to have kids but always said that if for some reason we couldn't we would adopt. Then cancer had to come in and put a halt to things. Thanks cancer!! No big deal though. I thought, so I have to wait until I complete treatment, no problem because we aren't necessarily ready anyway. Well Holly, the Dr. says, the chemo may put you through early menopause, which I don't think will happen but if it does and because of your age your ovaries should wake up sometime between 8 months and 2 years after the end of treatment. Oh and I want you to wait 5 years to even think about having kids after treatment is completed. WHAT?!?!? I tell him, ok, I can do that. Ryan and I had already talked about it and knew that my survival was more important than worrying about my biological clock because as we all know, pregnancy make your hormones go WACKO and since my cancer was hormone positive we can't have that. Well, of course, I was one of those that went into early menopause. Let me tell you, it is MISERABLE!!! The hot flashes are the absolute worst! I constantly felt like a heater was being turned on my face and would get so hot I would want to pass out. So, over the last few months we have gone from 30 mg of Effexor for hot flashes, to 75 mg and now 150 mg and it finally works!!! I only break out into a sweat sometimes and just want to run outside in the freezing cold or strip all of my clothes off haha :)
Anyway, during this time there was also a study going on talking about the best preventative treatment for breast cancer after chemotherapy. Researchers were trying to figure out if Tamoxifen alone was better than the injection of Lupron and the pill Adriamycin or an Oophorectomy which is where you just have your ovaries removed. Turns out, Lupron with the Adriamycin or the Oophorectomy give you a 3% better chance after 5 years of the cancer not returning. I know that 3% doesn't sound like a lot but when you are talking about cancer it is. Well, I don't think I am ready to have my ovaries removed but will if I have to so I think I am going to switch from Tamoxifen and go the injection with the pill route. I will receive the injection once a month for 5 years. The only thing about this route is it is uber-expensive!!! It goes toward my deductible though so every year I will just have pay that then it will be covered so that's nothing new because I've been paying my deductible the last 2 years.
Last, I go see Dr. Stalnecker (my Plastic Surgeon) next week and we talk about when I am going to have my final surgery which is where he will remove the expanders and replace them with implants so my reconstruction will be complete!!!! I am so excited and can't wait!!!
March 28th I will be 1 year CANCER FREE!!!! #SURVIVORBIRTHDAY