Monday, October 21, 2013

AMAZING people...

So I know that I am a little behind on my updates but I just have to say how AMAZING NextGear Capital is!!! On Friday, Oct 18, they held a benefit which consisted of an AWESOME bake sale with some really good food and I have to say, I have never seen a company come together like them to support one of their own!! I mean, most of them don't know me from Adam but some of them do know Ryan and I am just so amazed and feel so blessed that we have the type of support that we do. I have really felt the support from so many people I am just overwhelmed and in awe, I just really don't know how to put it into words :) Outside of NextGear I have other AMAZING friends (Shannon and Gracie) that support me and are constantly trying to find events that support breast cancer or the American Cancer Society and they always participate with me! It means so much to me to have their support!!! Not to mention they made some pretty awesome shirts that we will wear in a walk this Saturday which I will post then with a picture and I know that you will all be jealous LOL!!!

My new job has also been super supportive which was something I was so scared of before starting. I had no idea what their reaction would be when I told them that after I start I'm going to be off for at least 3 weeks for surgery because of my diagnosis. They totally understand and give me the time I need for all of my appointments and gave me this book called " "Why I Wore Lipstick to My Mastectomy." I just couldn't believe that on my 2nd day on the job they gave me this book with a great card that said "Everything happens for a reason. Usually it's because life sucks!" This is so true but then on the inside it says "BE STRONG" which is exactly what I intend to do :)

Also, for those of you that don't have Facebook, you didn't see my beautiful picture of my pink roses I came home to last week! I know, Ryan is very sweet but they weren't from Ryan, they were from my FABULOUS childhood BFFs from KY (Megan, Alicia and Laura). When I came home, I saw these pink roses already in a vase on the kitchen table with a note from my friends. It took me a minute to process this because I knew that Ryan left shortly after me at 8:30 that morning and I knew that neither of us had been home to get them so I was a little worried as to how they got in my house. I called Ryan and he said that they were delivered right after I left. They are so beautiful and it really made my day!! Even though they are 200 miles away, they have been so supportive!! From their blog they posted to the flowers they have sent and text messages that just tell me they are thinking of me makes me realize that I truly have some of the best friends in the world!! 

There is a quote that says, "We decide the first day of our cancer diagnosis whether we are going to be victims or survivors. We decide to muster up all our strength to fight to win. We decide to stay positive and not let cancer define us. We decide how we are going to handle each day. Yes, there are good days and bad days, but our attitudes determine each day. Hold on to your hopes, dreams, faith and determination, and gather strength from your support systems, because in the fight against cancer, we cannot give up." VERY WELL SAID!!! 

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