About 1 week ago Sharlee called me and asked if I would like to go to a luncheon and fashion show downtown Indy that supports women in their fight with breast cancer. Before I answered her, I thought to myself, do I really want to do something like this, is it too soon because I really don't feel like someone with cancer? Having worked in the medical field I understand a lot about what is going on with me but honestly I thought, I have cancer, shouldn't I feel sick, shouldn't I be tired? I really have just not had that much experience with Oncology. So, I let her continue to explain to me that there would be another women there that is very close in age. She is 31 and I am soon to be 31. She said that she is completing her treatment and has already had surgery and she is a Crime Scene Investigator which is totally a great reason to go because CSI is super interesting. Anyway, I thought a moment and "YES" came out before I had comprehended what I had just agreed to. So, today I got ready and wore my favorite
PINK sweater. I went downtown and when I arrived I was completely overwhelmed because there were SO MANY people. I just stood there for a moment getting my bearings and realized that a mimosa would probably calm my nerves a little bit. I got my name tag and it immediately identified me as a SURVIVOR which I loved because that is so encouraging. I found Sharlee and I met two other women, one of them being the Crime Scene Investigator. I told her that I bet she gets this a lot but is her job just as glamorous as they make it seem on TV and her answer was NO but even with my disappointment in finding this out I was still so happy to meet her. She asked when I was diagnosed and I told her a week and a half ago. The first thing she said, with a smile on her face is that I am in for a wild ride! We finally went in to find our table and the room was VERY pink. The tables were beautiful and the food looked AMAZING and we were right next to the runway! We also each had a pink balloon tied to our chairs. After the introduction they asked all survivors to stand up. I hesitated a bit because this would be the first time I was actually identified in public as having cancer. I stood up with all of the other beautiful women, each in different stages of the fight and held my head high because I know I WILL be a true SURVIVOR!!! Afterwards they asked everyone else in the room to stand and we released our pink balloons to the ceiling. It felt so good to let it go. I'm not sure what it was but with everyone doing this together it just felt right. We then sat down to a 3 course meal that was absolutely fabulous and watched a great fashion show. After it was over, I would say that I had an incredible time and I am SO GLAD I decided to go!! Seeing other women going through what I am about to go through and hearing other women's experience with cancer made me feel more at ease. Before we left, one of the women at my table asked me if after this experience was I scared of what I am faced with and I honestly said, "No, not anymore but I am still NERVOUS!!"

I finally got around to catching up on the blog!! So glad you enjoyed the luncheon today! Larry and I went shopping today and had the opportunity to donate to breast cancer.. It was a small donation but it felt great!!! We love you :)
ReplyDeleteAny donation is a good donation, every little bit helps get closer to a cure! Thank you so much for doing that! Love you all :)